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  1. ivan2301


    Be patient and wait reply from tech support
  2. ivan2301

    我付了款 但是并没有收到CDK

    Hey, i reply to you on your mail, stop spam with new threads
  3. ivan2301


    I think it's your payment system error/problem. You can: 1. Try to wait 2. Write to support of your payment system
  4. ivan2301


    Check your mail
  5. ivan2301

    Buy without PayPal. 中文版 + 支持支付宝 [Cards, CRYPTO, SKINS, Alipay, UnionPay, etc]

    Completely moved to new payment system, instruction changed.
  6. ivan2301
  7. ivan2301

    Buy without PayPal. 中文版 + 支持支付宝 [Cards, CRYPTO, SKINS, Alipay, UnionPay, etc]

    Added support of Alipay, Unionpay etc for Chinese and other Asian cutomers.
  8. ivan2301

    Buy without PayPal. 中文版 + 支持支付宝 [Cards, CRYPTO, SKINS, Alipay, UnionPay, etc]

    Added automated skins payment ! DM me for details!
  9. ivan2301

    please, I've paid for it

    Чтобы не иметь мозг с палкой рекомендую брать подписку в моей группе ВК. Во первых все автоматизировано, во вторых активируешь ключик в разделе Tokens и подписка активируется моментально, в третьих это дешевле.
  10. ivan2301

    Subscription Payment Issue

    it accept visa/mastercard world
  11. ivan2301

    Black Friday Sale ?

    Sub is allready very cheap. Dev not allowed additional discounts.
  12. ivan2301

    how to buy with bitcoin ?

    I can help