faio updated?

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Admins have access to the scripts also the private ones.
its been a more than a month now if admins had access they would have updated it but they dont have access to FAIO. first they say they will update it then they are asking for videos of bugs. They are just buying time expecting foo to come and update
its been a more than a month now if admins had access they would have updated it but they dont have access to FAIO. first they say they will update it then they are asking for videos of bugs. They are just buying time expecting foo to come and update
Admins actually updated FAIO the last time he went missing, so they have access to FAIO. However, it was only a minor update until foo came back and fixed everything. Then, he went missing again until now. 😄
why admins are taking so much time to fix the bugs on fooo's script
they probably not paying him enough $
we all know $ is the greatest motivator, so if he is'nt here updating its maybe because they wont pay him/her what they want.