Dota 2 Awesome software!

  • Deadlock is now a separate subscription from Dota 2, and no longer comes bundled with it. For more information, please read this.
Dec 9, 2017
Hi folks,

First off thanx for the time and effort spent making this amazing software,
For me at least it brings a new level of fun to an old game!

I am not new to hacking as such, since the old W3 dota days i enjoyed hacking too much, as well as csgo, got to global after loosing 2 accounts to overwatch and properly learning how to fine tune my software to suit my play style.

From registration to payment to testing, all went perfect no issues what so ever, last hit works great, turns a 1k scrub into a farming monster.

I have just one question please?
Can some one please point me in the right direction or thread regarding do's ant don'ts to play as safe as possible? I have notice that the " enemy view" has been patched for example and if possible could greatly benefit from such info regarding what not to do during ranked gameplay.

Kind rdgards,

If posted in wrong thread please accept my humble appology and poor spelling.
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