New Updates?

Why pm? Why we can't get all the updates in the main thread every time a new update is out? :(

just buy , and you can see the changelogs

I would like to purchase again BUT I really would like to see newest changelogs. Last time when I purchased It was just waste of money (Pudge auto hook just ruined, hookig creeps. auto crash after 2-3 games, no bug fixes like a half month, allot of times server down...e.t.c)
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I would like to purchase again BUT I really would like to see newest changelogs. Last time when I purchased It was just waste of money (Pudge auto hook just ruined, hookig creeps. auto crash after 2-3 games, no bug fixes like a half month, allot of times server down...e.t.c)
  • The Last Hit features now have their own section
  • Fixed Auto Mana Void trying to kill units that can't die due to effects like Shallow Grave
  • Fixed Auto Reaper's Scythe trying to kill units that can't die due to effects like Shallow Grave
  • Fixed Auto Assassinate trying to kill units while invisible
  • Fixed Auto Assassinate trying to kill units under the effects of Linken's Sphere
  • Fixed all kill steal features trying to kill units with Aegis and Wraith King with Reincarnation
  • Fixed Meepo units being considered illusions
  • Fixed Visible to Enemy ESP having a delay
  • Fixed the Pudge hack not hooking properly when Lifestealer is inside a unit or Pudge
  • The "During Attack" features will no longer try to use the items while invisible
  • Increased the Rot delay for the Pudge hack to stop it from toggling on and off
  • Removed Tinker's March of the Machines from Show Hidden Spells to improve FPS (projectile paths only)
  • Added Auto Finger of Death for Lion
  • Added Auto Laguna Blade for Lina
  • Added Show Neutral Spawn Boxes
  • Added Combo Helper: Use Sun Strike
  • Added Combo Helper: Use EMP
  • Added Combo Helper: Use Chaos Meteor
  • Added Combo Helper: Use Deafening Blast
  • Fixed Sun Strike Stunned Enemies for the following spells: Toss, Shapeshift, and Skewer
Last Hit
  • Added Round Automatic Time to Ticks
  • Added Round Animation Cancel Time to Ticks
  • Added Use Global Time for Prediction
Leave the last hit features on default if it works fine for you. Default settings are what the hack has been using before the previous update. Tinker around with the settings to see what works best for you otherwise.

Show Neutral Spawn Boxes doesn't change colors if the camp is blocked. If enough people want it, I'll add it
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Last update 3/3/16 #2

Still nothing new? or there are new updates?
  • Fixed for the latest update
  • Show Neutral Spawn Boxes now changes colors when a camp is blocked
  • Reverted a last hit change
  • Crit hack now monitors crit sounds
Due to the latest update, crit animations do not play anymore if the hero has animation cancelled their attacks recently.

The crit hack only works on Chaos Knight and Juggernaut now, as they are the only heroes that make crit sounds consistently.

For now, the last hit hack can't tell if a crit went off due to sound, so it won't take into account crit damage unless a crit animation plays.
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  • Fixed for the latest update
  • Show Neutral Spawn Boxes now changes colors when a camp is blocked
  • Reverted a last hit change
  • Crit hack now monitors crit sounds
Due to the latest update, crit animations do not play anymore if the hero has animation cancelled their attacks recently.

The crit hack only works on Chaos Knight and Juggernaut now, as they are the only heroes that make crit sounds consistently.

For now, the last hit hack can't tell if a crit went off due to sound, so it won't take into account crit damage unless a crit animation plays.
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Ok, new update today.
This is perfect guys, now some furion or antimage is really good with hake.

  • Added XP Monitor
XP Monitor will show how many enemies are around a creep that's killed. This feature requires at least one visible enemy hero within the creep's XP range to function. As long as one enemy hero is visible, it will tell you how many other heroes just gained experience from that creep kill, even if they aren't visible or are in the Fog of War.

This feature is useful for knowing whether or not you are about to get ganked, or are being baited.

Known bugs:
  • Doesn't work properly when more than one creep dies at the same time (cleave)
  • Neutral camps will show friendly heroes adding to the amount of heroes that are around

  • Добавлен XP монитор. (монитор опыта)
XP Monitor показывает сколько героев вокруг крипа которого убили. Эта функция требует наличие хотя бы одного вражеского героя в пределах видимости. До тех пор, пока один вражеский герой виден вы узнаете что и другие его союзники получили с его убиства опыт. Допустим, стоит условный антимаг в тумане войны. Свен бьет крипов, антимаг так же получил опыт. Вы это увидите.

Эта функция поможет вам понять когда вас собираются гангать, или байтят.

*Учитываются противники только находящиеся в 1300 дальности от самого крипа.

Известные ошибки функции:
  • Не работает корректно когда в один и тот же момент умирает более 1го крипа.
  • Будут так же учитывать ваших союзников при показе.

* От себя.
Удобная и полезная функция. Если враг убил крипа, и рядом с ним в тумане войны стоит его союзник то можно спалить это дело и спастись. Можно точно знать сколько героев рядом, когда допустим вы стоите в лесочке на пудже и видите жертву которая бьет крипов. Легко и просто поймете что он один, или их несколько.
Так же юзабельно когда вы пушите каким либо героем линию. Убив союзного крипа можно понять что рядом есть враг. В инвизе, в лесу, без разницы.