playing on my main account since 2015
if u use safe humanizer settings and like the other ones said before: dont play obvious cause you now can get banned from player reports
and gaben is banning a lot of reported players currently
obvious means: auto disable scrips, playing arc/meepo with autofarm scripts, everything that controls things that are out of your camera (you can turn on "Discard Out of Bounds unit orders, then the script will only be active if you have the camera on the units), even the players in your own team will report you
and i cant remember that hake got detected by VAC one time

what the humanizer does is: if somebody is live watching or in a replay, it creates the mouse movements from the scripts, so its hard to tell if somebody is scripting or not
u can turn off "silent mouse movement" to see it live in action while u playing or play a game and look at the replay, u will see mouse movements that wasnt done by yourself
and a little tip personally for you:
everytime you see doto got an update, first check the forum if ppl got banned
if see reports in the forum i would wait a bit with using hake unitl some clarification is there
every banned i looked into this forum was the own fault of the player themselves